What to Expect as a Participant

There are approximately 4 separate appointments, all located at OSU’s main campus. Each appointment lasts around 3 to 4.5 hours.

Scheduling Call: After completing the screening form, if you are eligible, we will schedule a 10-20 minute phone call to discuss dates and times for your appointments.

Neurocognitive Assessment: Administered in-person on an iPad. Involves many small tasks designed to assess cognitive variables like memory, executive functioning, and attention.

Fitness: We will ask for a brief medical history to ensure it is safe to participate in each part of the fitness testing. Participants who qualify for the fitness portion of the study would be performing activities like riding an exercise bike, walking, balancing on a foam and firm surface, completing strength tests, and measuring body composition.

Actigraph: For approximately one week, participants will be required to wear an Actigraph to measure average activity as well as sleep.

MRI: We will screen participants on the phone/online beforehand, as well as the day of, to ensure a participant is safe to go in for the MRI scan. Participants will perform a variety of cognitive tasks within the MRI.

Blood draw: Will take place at Dodd Hall (part of the medical center) and be performed by a qualified medical technician or nurse. The blood tests involved require the participant to fast the day of the test, so we will schedule these early in the morning and provide a snack afterwards.

Clinical Interviews: A mix of in-person and online questionnaires covering a broad range of psychological and health related measures.

Compensation: We understand that this is a very involved study. To show our appreciation for our participants’ time, we will provide compensation. If MRI eligible, participants have a choice of receiving a 3D print of their brain OR $10/hour for all activities except for the time spent in the MRI, which is $25/hour. Participants will also receive a $100 bonus if they successfully complete all study activities.

If you’d like to screen yourself for eligibility, please click here or follow the link below: https://redcap.link/l28po00v